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May be an image of book and text

 Franca Colozzo - 10/07/2022 23:59:00 [ leggi altri commenti di Franca Colozzo » ]

Condivido con voi tutti l’onore conferitomi di pubblicare sulla rivista internazionale ATUNIS-GALAXY.

Agron Shele, editor

In today’s world, it is also poets who try with their verses to provide answers and reflections on all the consequences of, in particular, disputes, humanitarian disasters, and wars resulting in countless displaced refugees seeking refuge in other countries. It sometimes seems that changes never come, despite the many efforts of world leaders, organizations, individuals, artists and poets and other groups to focus attention on a safe and habitable planet for all. More and more outbursts of violence, as if we still live in ancient times long gone with tribal wars, about which more and more documentaries are made, even films that record the cause and effect of all those different insights, historically grown differences that without goodwill, without tolerance, cannot be resolved without mutual consultation between the parties involved, or only partially and therefore temporarily until the flames start again.
Ultimately, everyone benefits from inhabiting a peaceful planet where every individual, young and old, can feel nurtured in a respected and safe environment.
The poets who are looking for changes write about this, in many different ways. Sometimes direct, sometimes veiled. Because practically spoken often little effect is achieved, they portray a different image to readers and people in general, a possible reality or use their words to indicate what needs to be changed in society, such as a fair distribution of wealth, sharing concerns about existence and showing their involvement, including the climatic changes visible through extreme drought, high temperatures, heavy rainfall, rising sea levels, melting of the permafrost, even hurricanes in places where they did not occur before.
As dream catchers, focused on a different and better future, they actually fulfill the task of parents, as the Ojibweg believe that making and hanging a dream catcher above the bed prevents bad dreams.
For centuries, Indians have been making dream catchers hang above their children’s cribs or carrycots. It is believed that the sky is soaked with dreams, good dreams, but also bad dreams. During the night the bad dreams are caught in the web and according to tradition they slide off in the morning and dry in the morning sun. Good dreams can find their way unhindered in the center of the dreamcatcher and thus enter the dreamer’s life.
This anthology gives a very varied picture of the way in which poets, from very different countries and continents, give content and form to personal but also other feelings and thoughts that affect themselves and humanity. They touch the core of existence.
Hannie Rouweler, editor Demer Press

 Franca Colozzo - 10/07/2022 23:58:00 [ leggi altri commenti di Franca Colozzo » ]

Condivido con voi tutti l’onore conferitomi di pubblicare sulla rivista internazionale ATUNIS-GALAXY.

Agron Shele, editor

In today’s world, it is also poets who try with their verses to provide answers and reflections on all the consequences of, in particular, disputes, humanitarian disasters, and wars resulting in countless displaced refugees seeking refuge in other countries. It sometimes seems that changes never come, despite the many efforts of world leaders, organizations, individuals, artists and poets and other groups to focus attention on a safe and habitable planet for all. More and more outbursts of violence, as if we still live in ancient times long gone with tribal wars, about which more and more documentaries are made, even films that record the cause and effect of all those different insights, historically grown differences that without goodwill, without tolerance, cannot be resolved without mutual consultation between the parties involved, or only partially and therefore temporarily until the flames start again.
Ultimately, everyone benefits from inhabiting a peaceful planet where every individual, young and old, can feel nurtured in a respected and safe environment.
The poets who are looking for changes write about this, in many different ways. Sometimes direct, sometimes veiled. Because practically spoken often little effect is achieved, they portray a different image to readers and people in general, a possible reality or use their words to indicate what needs to be changed in society, such as a fair distribution of wealth, sharing concerns about existence and showing their involvement, including the climatic changes visible through extreme drought, high temperatures, heavy rainfall, rising sea levels, melting of the permafrost, even hurricanes in places where they did not occur before.
As dream catchers, focused on a different and better future, they actually fulfill the task of parents, as the Ojibweg believe that making and hanging a dream catcher above the bed prevents bad dreams.
For centuries, Indians have been making dream catchers hang above their children’s cribs or carrycots. It is believed that the sky is soaked with dreams, good dreams, but also bad dreams. During the night the bad dreams are caught in the web and according to tradition they slide off in the morning and dry in the morning sun. Good dreams can find their way unhindered in the center of the dreamcatcher and thus enter the dreamer’s life.
This anthology gives a very varied picture of the way in which poets, from very different countries and continents, give content and form to personal but also other feelings and thoughts that affect themselves and humanity. They touch the core of existence.
Hannie Rouweler, editor Demer Press

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